The High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID, will be useful for studies examining spatial variability of near surface meteorology and the impacts of urban heat islands across many disciplines including epidemiology, ecology, and climatology. We have explicitly included representation of spatial meteorological variability over urban areas in the contiguous United States (CONUS) as compared to other observation-only gridded meteorology products by employing the High-Resolution Land Data Assimilation System (HRLDAS), which accounts for the fine-scale impacts of spatiotemporally varying land surfaces on weather. Further, we include in situ meteorological observations such as local mesonets to bias correct the HRLDAS output, creating a model-observation fusion product. The data spans 1 January 1981 to 31 December 2018, covering all of CONUS at 1 km grid spacing. The dataset includes daily maximum, minimum, and mean values for a variety of temperature estimates such as 2 m temperature, skin temperature, urban temperatures, as well as specific humidity and surface energy budget terms.
Temporal Range:
1981-01-01 to 2018-12-31
Air Temperature
Urban Heat Island
Data Types:
Data Contributors:
Hydrometeorological Applications Program, Research Application Laboratory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Aviation Applications Program, Research Application Laboratory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
School of Public Health, University of Nevada
Yale School of Public Health, Yale University
Center for Research Data & Digital Scholarship, University of Colorado, Boulder
Department of Biostatics and Bioinformatics, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University
Total Volume:
4.09 TB
(Entire dataset)
Volume details by dataset productVolume details by dataset productCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1988: 109.32 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1990: 108.95 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1981: 108.99 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1982: 108.5 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1983: 108.9 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1984: 109.15 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1985: 108.66 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1986: 109.06 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1987: 109.6 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1989: 108.21 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1991: 108.83 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1992: 107.6 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1993: 107.22 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1994: 107.35 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1995: 107.23 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1996: 107.27 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1997: 107.39 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1998: 107.95 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1999: 107.79 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2000: 108.03 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2002: 107.14 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2003: 107.47 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2004: 108.05 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2005: 107.91 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2006: 108.56 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2007: 108.12 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2008: 120.66 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2009: 124.52 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2010: 125.13 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2011: 125.02 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2012: 125.71 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2013: 108.47 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2014: 108.6 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2015: 108.75 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2016: 109.46 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2017: 108.65 GBCONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2018: 108.64 GB
Citation counts are compiled through information provided by publicly-accessible APIs according to the guidelines developed through the project. If journals do not provide citation information to these publicly-accessible services, then this citation information will not be included in RDA citation counts. Additionally citations that include dataset DOIs are the only types included in these counts, so legacy citations without DOIs, references found in publication acknowledgements, or references to a related publication that describes a dataset will not be included in these counts.