Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project Tier 2 High Resolution Source Data and Catalogues
| DOI: 10.5065/VMB6-FM59

Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP) Tier 2 Climate Change High Resolution developer catalogues. Each ARTMIP method/algorithm (named by the developer) submits a catalogue comprised of 0's (no AR exists) or 1's (yes AR exists) for each time slice, for each grid point, using a curated set of climate change AMIP style output from the Community Atmosphere Model's finite-volume dynamical core version at 25 km horizontal resolution, which was run by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Catalogues were created for three historical (All-Hist) ensemble members (run002: 1979 to 2005, run006: 1995 to 2005, run008: 1995 to 2005) and two RCP 8.5 (PlusRCP85) ensemble members (run001: 2079 to 2099, run002: 2079 to 2084). Derived quantities required for algorithms, such as IVT or IWV, were computed by the ARTMIP project so that all methods use the same data.
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