RDA Search and Browse Tools
What is indexed for the Google-like Dataset Search
The following dataset metadata fields are indexed (meaning that each word in the field is turned into a keyword in a database):
- Title
- Summary
- References (publications)
- Science Keywords and Detailed Variables
- Projects and Supported Projects
Part of the indexing includes saving the relative position of each word within the indexed field. For example, the following dataset summary snippet:
"The 5-degree latitude/longitude grids contained in this dataset ... "
gets indexed as follows:
Keyword : Position
The : 1
5-degree : 2
5 : 2
degree : 2
latitude/longitude : 3
latitude : 3
longitude : 3
grids : 4
contained : 5
in : 6
this : 7
dataset : 8
How Datasets are Ranked in Search/Browse Results
When a user enters keywords into the Google-like dataset search or makes selections from the "Look for Data" browse menus, a list of datasets is provided that matches the keywords or selections. The dataset ordering is not by dataset number. Here's how the ordering is done:
- Dataset Search:
- "Look for Data" Browse: